Summary, conclusion and recommendations


Chioma Ann Udeh
Department of Business Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Business School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


The research on customer engagement techniques in green spare parts initiatives explores the growing role of customer engagement techniques in promoting the use of green spare parts. Chapter 1 introduces the study, outlining the background, research objectives, and significance of customer engagement techniques in promoting the use of green spare parts. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive literature review, focusing on the theoretical and empirical perspectives on customer engagement techniques in green spare parts. Chapter 3 details the research methodology, including the study design, sampling techniques, and data analysis methods employed to assess customer engagement techniques in green spare parts. Chapter 4 presents the findings, showing that customer engagement techniques are a positive and significant predictor in promoting the use of green spare parts. The results highlight the critical role of customer engagement techniques in promoting the use of green spare parts.


5.2 Conclusions

The findings of this study demonstrate that various customer engagement techniques play a pivotal role in promoting environmentally sustainable spare parts initiatives. Personalised communication, loyalty programmes, eco-friendly product incentives, and digital engagement platforms are all positive and significant predictors of the promotion of green spare parts. These techniques enhance customer awareness, foster long-term relationships, and incentivise eco-conscious behaviour, ultimately driving the adoption of sustainable products. Therefore, businesses seeking to promote green initiatives in the spare parts industry should prioritise these customer engagement strategies to achieve greater environmental sustainability and customer loyalty.


5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this research, several customer engagement techniques have been identified as positive and significant predictors of the promotion of environmentally sustainable spare parts. The following recommendations are provided to enhance customer engagement in green spare parts initiatives:


Enhancing Personalised Communication

Organisations should invest in personalised communication strategies to engage customers effectively in promoting environmentally sustainable spare parts. Personalised communication, tailored to individual customer preferences and behaviours, fosters a stronger emotional connection, making customers more likely to support green initiatives. Techniques such as targeted email campaigns, tailored product recommendations, and customer-specific sustainability information should be employed to increase the promotion of eco-friendly spare parts.


Implementing Robust Loyalty Programmes

Loyalty programmes should be developed or improved to reward customers for purchasing or supporting environmentally sustainable spare parts. By offering rewards such as discounts, exclusive offers, or sustainability points redeemable for eco-friendly products, organisations can foster long-term engagement. These programmes should emphasise sustainability and reward customers for making greener choices, thus reinforcing the importance of environmentally friendly practices.


Introducing Eco-Friendly Product Incentives

Offering incentives for eco-friendly spare parts is crucial in encouraging customer participation in green initiatives. Organisations should provide attractive incentives such as discounts, rebates, or trade-in offers for customers who choose environmentally sustainable spare parts over traditional options. These incentives can significantly motivate customers to shift towards greener products, increasing their involvement in sustainability practices.


Leveraging Digital Engagement Platforms

Organisations should utilise digital platforms to engage with customers effectively and promote green spare parts initiatives. Digital platforms, including social media, mobile apps, and online forums, offer an interactive space for customers to learn about the environmental benefits of sustainable spare parts. Additionally, these platforms can provide educational content, eco-friendly product updates, and a forum for customers to share their experiences and advocate for sustainability. Investment in user-friendly and engaging digital tools will enhance customer interaction and promote the adoption of green spare parts.


5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies

Future research could explore the long-term impact of personalised communication on customer retention and advocacy in green spare parts initiatives. While this study highlights the positive and significant role of personalised communication in promoting environmentally sustainable spare parts, further studies could examine how different customer segments respond to various forms of personalised messages, such as email campaigns, social media engagement, and targeted advertisements. Additionally, future studies could investigate the optimal frequency and content of communication that maximises customer engagement without leading to information fatigue. Further studies could also assess the effectiveness of loyalty programmes in promoting eco-friendly spare parts across different industries. Although this research confirms that loyalty programmes significantly influence the promotion of green spare parts, a comparative analysis of loyalty programmes in industries beyond automotive and manufacturing could provide insights into whether such programmes are equally effective across sectors. Moreover, future research could explore how loyalty programmes could be designed to foster long-term behavioural changes towards sustainability, such as encouraging repeat purchases and recommending green products to peers. Finally, research could be expanded to analyse the role of digital engagement platforms and eco-friendly product incentives in encouraging customer participation in green initiatives. This study confirms the significance of these two techniques in promoting environmentally sustainable spare parts, but future studies could examine how specific platforms such as mobile apps, online forums, or virtual reality experiences enhance customer education and involvement in sustainability practices. Additionally, the interaction between eco-friendly product incentives and customer perceptions of value could be further investigated to determine the most effective incentive structures that drive both initial engagement and sustained commitment to green


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February 2, 2025


How to Cite

Udeh, C. A. . (2025). Summary, conclusion and recommendations. In Customer Engagement Techniques in Green Spare Parts Initiatives (pp. 45-57). Deep Science Publishing.