Enhancing project delivery and efficiency by addressing project delays in the Nigerian oil and gas sector


Musa Adekunle Adewoyin
University of Salford, Manchester, UK


This chapter has provided a brief outline of the research findings and implications through quantitative and qualitative methods, revealing some facts that agree with the literature and some that do not in entirety. Through thematic analysis of the interview sessions, four resulting bowtie tie model were developed, which may serve as quick good-to-go for project and industry professionals within Nigeria.


February 8, 2025


How to Cite

Adewoyin, M. A. . (2025). Enhancing project delivery and efficiency by addressing project delays in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. In An Approach to Reducing Project Delays and Improving Efficiency in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry (pp. 60-127). Deep Science Publishing. https://doi.org/10.70593/978-93-49307-74-2_5