Machine learning implementation in computer vision
AI has had a significant impact on image processing, which has enabled the development of innovative techniques and applications Computer vision examines data from digital photos and videos to deduce relationships. It employs artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to enhance output. Similar to other machine learning systems, computer vision systems require substantial data to train their algorithms for input comprehension. A multitude of businesses, such as entertainment, security, robotics, and healthcare, utilise computer vision. Machine learning algorithms are fundamentally trained on extensive datasets of labelled images to identify patterns and generate predictions. Similar to other machine learning systems, computer vision systems require substantial data to train their algorithms for input comprehension. This chapter discusses implementation of machine learning to image analysis, and Recent Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Image Processing, Repercussions of ML and AI in image processing on Society and Ethics and finally comes the conclusion.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Methods, Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Recent Applications.