Background study of DDoS attacks
The section primarily entails an understanding of the following factors: Overview of DDoS attacks, Classification of DDoS attacks, DDoS attacks operating techniques, Cloud computing system, DDoS threats on a cloud system, Owncloud platform, DDoS attack in cloud networks, method of DDoS attacks in the cloud environment DDoS attack tools used in the cloud system, owncloud platform, programing language and machine learning. This is because the project's goal is to develop DDoS detection systems for cloud environments aided by machine learning.
Although the in-depth part of this section has been discussed in the investigation report (CMM512). The section is summarised the listed factors below.
2.1.1 Overview of DDoS Attacks
One of the most popular types of cyberattacks today is the denial of service (DoS) attack, which results in various financial impacts and losses for the target party. Denial of service is a term used in network and computer security to describe an attack that aims to overload or destroy the computer or network resources to prevent legitimate users from using the services that are being offered (Bensalah et al. 2019). Occasionally error messages are encountered when attempting to access a website because the server hosting the website is overloaded. When a server's capacity is exceeded by the number of requests it can handle, the attack occurs (Gaurav et al. 2022). The most common type of DoS attack is called DDoS, or Distributed DoS, which is formally characterized as a coordinated attack due to its capacity to produce more catastrophic impacts simply and quickly. The attacks begin and interrupt attack activities on a big scale by bombarding the target network devices or web services with information requests from thousands of infected host machines (zombies) (Efe 2018).